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Don’t Be Tricked By Snoring This Halloween! [BLOG]

October 21, 2017

Filed under: Blog,Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 8:00 am

If you’re one of those people who love the thrill of a good scare, then we’re guessing October is one of your favorite months of the year. The entire month is a celebration of frightful festivities like horror film marathons and haunted houses.

For you, it’s nothing at all to spend your hard-earned money to have ghosts, chainsaw murderers, and zombies jump out at you from the shadows. Thrill-seeking lovers of all things scary look forward to dark corridors, haunting music, and screams of terror!

And why wouldn’t you? After all, those things aren’t really scary. Maybe they are in the moment, but you know that when it’s all over, you come back to reality. You go home and snuggle up in bed with the peace of mind that here, you have nothing to fear.

Except maybe another night of restlessness because of your loud snoring! You’ve tried those drugstore snoring solutions, but none of them have worked. You’re still keeping everyone up with snoring so loud it could peel paint chips off the walls.

You feel terrible about it. Sure, you smile through the jokes thrown at you over breakfast, but inside, you have a mountain of guilt weighing heavily on your chest. That’s why you don’t share what your own nighttime experience is like.

You don’t ever mention that you’re the one dealing with a true, living nightmare. How you wake up night after night, all night long, gasping for air. How you drag your feet all throughout the day feeling like you’re walking through mud and sludge because of the fatigue. How you pull into the driveway each day after work and can barely remember the drive home because you were so distracted and sleepy.

It’s time to end the nightmare! Our team at Beck Dental Care wants you to schedule an appointment so we can determine if your problem goes beyond snoring. You could be suffering from a condition known as

sleep apnea


Today, we’re looking at this potentially deadly condition and how you can know if you’ve been tricked into thinking your snoring is annoying, but harmless.

Don’t Be Tricked By Persistent Snoring!

As we said, your loud snoring is probably fodder among the rest of the family. But it could be the sign of sleep apnea, which left untreated, can have a devastating impact on your life and your health.

Look For These Signs Of Sleep Apnea!

Sleep apnea is a ruthless cycle that occurs all throughout the night for the typical sufferer. What happens is that your airway becomes blocked while you sleep, either because your brain can’t send messages to your breathing mechanisms or your throat muscles are becoming lodged under too much pressure.

In either case, you stop breathing for a few seconds. But it’s long enough to make you jerk awake in terror as you desperately gasp for air. After several seconds, you can breathe again. You drift off back to sleep, but you never get a chance to fall into a deep sleep because the pattern will repeat over and over.

What does this do to you? Here are some signs that you’re suffering from sleep apnea:

-You wake up feeling tired and groggy.

-You wake up with a sore throat but aren’t sick.

-You drag your feet all day from fatigue.

-You’re easily distracted and can’t concentrate.

-You get headaches all the time.

-You’re struggling with memory problems.

-You feel irritable.

-You’ve gained weight for no apparent reason.

As if all those symptoms weren’t disrupting your life enough, you could also be developing health problems and not realizing it. That’s because sleep apnea sufferers are at a higher risk for heart disease, stroke, hypertension, and depression.

Get The Rest You Desperately Need!

At Beck Dental Care, you can find rest and relief with our sleep apnea treatment. In our Columbia, TN dental office, you can be fitted for a custom oral appliance that will keep your air passages open so you can breathe easily while you sleep.

This will not only stop the chronic snoring that’s keeping everyone else awake all night, but it will allow you fall asleep and stay asleep so you can wake up feeling refreshed and rested!

Don’t be tricked into thinking your snoring is just an annoying problem! Get tested for sleep apnea so you can get a good night’s rest and protect your overall health. Call our Columbia, TN dental office  today at (931) 388-8452 or fill out our

online form

to schedule an appointment.

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